We have been on the pyramid for a month or 5 weeks and we have been drinking Cosmic Marble water for 5 days and have taken baths and drank the water and I've got to tell you it is one terrific experience, Uforic, and just since the Cosmics, it is plain dynamite !!!!!!!!!!!

I have DIABETES, and it has gotten much easier to control and I can hardly wait until I am healed. Also, I was in an accident in August, 1999, I was thrown 40 feet and I landed on my arms and head. I had a concussion, and scattered wrist and hand, and broken shoulder blade of my other hand and I was non-functional for about a year and a half. I had much residual, of the effects of the accident. My wrists did not have full rotation or function or strength. I realized the other night while soaking in the marbles and pyramid uforic bath that I no longer have difficulty, or pain in my shoulders and wrists. And that the arthritis I have had in my knees and the cramps I used to get during the night in my legs have disappeared. Thank you Rochelle, God has a reason why you meet the people you meet and why they come into your life when they do. Amen!!!!!!!!!!!!

Also, my son Eddie has had a real bout with Tourette's syndrome and ADD and severe head injuries as a child and since he has been doing this there is a miraculous, reversal of behavior and ticks have almost totally disappeared and his attention has improved tremendously !!!!!!!!!!!! It is such an uforic and dynamite experience that you can hardly realize how or what is happening because you are in such awe just experiencing this dynamically uforic experience. You do not realize how it is enhancing your life.

My memory improvement is tremendous and I feel I am definitely getting better and younger, each hour and day. What a valuable experience and I thank God for Rochelle, having come into our path of life. Bless you so much with only the best experience. We are trying to note the changes we are experiencing and enjoying life so much more. Oh yes!

Rochelle you can use all of the info I and Eddie mail you for publication to let the world know how great this is and how tremendous an impact it is on us. Love ya, Carmie and Eddie 

Hello everyone, as promised, here are my before and after toe pictures----hahahahahaha!  The first reddish colored picture was taken December 20, 2002 approximately 7 months ago. The second picture was taken today, July 19, 2003. 

​                                                                     CRYSTAL PARADISE

I have been reading the many different, wonderful posts that Param, Barry, Lyna, Carmie & Eddie, R. J., and Skylord have put up about their experiences with the Laminar Crystal Pyramid Bath water, Cupcake drinking water, Laminar Crystal Medallions, and Crystal Pillows by Star Babies Prefered LLC.

I am so thrilled that all of you are having such wonderful things happen for you with the Star Babies Products.  I would also like to share, with all of the people on the circle, what has been happening to me since I have been using the Star Baby Products.

To acknowledge the genius of the owner of Star Babies Prefered LLC, Rochelle, I also want to share this with all of her customers.  Rochelle, please feel free to use my words and pictures to help share, my results from the use of your wonderful Star Babies Products, in any way that you may desire.

The first thing I got from Star Babies in Sept. of 2002 was the Crystal Cupcake.  After using the Cupcake water and Laminar Crystal Products for two months, the lines in my neck were getting to be less deep and the lines on my chest are gone almost.  I think my eye lids are lifting some also.  The crows’ feet and the mouth lines are getting softer.  Today I can tell you that I have even more changes.  My eye lids are not lapping over my eyes any longer like they were.  Now I have about a month of improvement using the other Laminar Crystal Products.  This is what had happened by mid October of 2002.

At this time I will tell you that I am making many new changes in my life.  I was given the book by Dr. Norman W. Walker by the name of Colon Health/ The Key to a Vibrant Life.  I would have never thought that colon cleansing would make such a difference in the speed of my spiritual and physical advancement as far as “Transmutation”.   What an awakening for me.  Also I have changed my eating habits to all alive fruits, vegetables and juicing them also.  I am losing weight, growing taller and feeling great for the first time in a decade.  I really love what these products have done for me. 

After the car wreak that I was involved in some 13 years ago and I became unable to do the job that I once did eight hours a day for years.  But now I am feeling so much better after using the Star Babies Products for the past few months, I truly think that the herniated disc in my neck and lower back is healing and I am now planning on opening a new electrolysis practice in the very near future to once again do my   profession which requires me to bend my neck over   and sit erect to treat my patients.  I am so thrilled about this prospect because that will mean I will have an income again.  

At night I get to sleep with my almost fifty pounds of Laminar Crystal, my husband, cats and dogs enjoy it during the day.  I have a pyramid and a dozen Cosmic Marbles in my bath tub.  I wish you could see my bath water, some days the Crystal items change the water to a gold color and some days it is changed to blue.  Also the bath water has an oil feel to it that makes your skin feel just like heaven and the changes you will see, and the speed is just amazing.   The color changes also happen to my drinking water that I make with my marbles.

I would like to thank Rochelle, for taking the time and effort to share this technology and these products with the world.  I feel like the Star Babies Products are so needed by mankind on so many different levels. With Love and Peace to All, Vickie Martin/ Rausarin LiNiTee Omega (My Cherokee Name)

I realize it has been a long time, but this is the moment at which the Higher Power prompted this transmission... you may use this language as you wish.  I hope you and your beloved associates are doing well... kd
"I have been a professional intuitive for over forty years.  One of my specialties is observing the human energy field.  I have observed Rochelle's healing work first-hand.  I can attest to the fact that she is working with some of the most powerful healing energies on the planet today. I see them as divine, white light energies. These energies transcend whatever forms are being used as healing materials.  Rochelle is a Divine Healer, not merely an energy healer.  With God, all things are possible.  Therefore, by all means, follow your own inner guidance.  However, I can assure you that Rochelle is a channel for the Higher Power and an instrument for God."  kd (God Bless! :-)>

​I was first introduced to the Star Babies products when a friend came to Colorado for a visit. The products are amazing.  I am a dowser and the energy that comes off of these products is wonderful.  Through dowsing, we have determined that these products are used for self improvement, protection and for manifesting thought.

It acts like a cocoon around your body, protecting you from all harm.  The only problem is that, in that cocoon, you will find your own problems staring back at you.

It helps you sleep and heals your affairs, which then in turn, heals your body.  When you feel well, so all your affairs.  Bathing in the tub with the crystal energy is soothing and has made my skin feel younger.

Drinking the water treated with this crystal energy makes my hair thicker and my nails on my fingers and toes are getting stronger.

I love the taste of the water, it is so clean tasting.  The water is cleared from all the bad stuff that makes it taste bad.  I wash my cloths with a bag of the crystals.  And my cloths get clean without the cost of detergent, because I do not use it.  They do not fade or wear out as fast.

I do believe that the energy work I have done with the cupcakes is a fast approach to lining up your bodies grid work.  Energy flows evenly with the process.  People that come to my house love to carry around and lay on my pillow.

So your products have come in the right time.  Thank you again for these products. Polly Cady

​Just finished taking my terrific bath, with the Pyramid, Cosmic Marbles (6) and a new pink sack surprise and a cupcake and I mean to tell you, What an euphoric and enhancing experience!  I did not mention that we have two very large sleepers.  I mean to tell you, it is a dynamic and enhancing and rejuvenating and a wonderful experience.  I just want to laugh and thank God for having the experience of using these dynamite products.  It has totally altered our life experience.  I have improved in my memory tremendously.  I remember things I could hardly remember happened years ago, and it is a wonderful youthful experience.

I am trying to realize how many things have improved.  My hip and my knees would get very sore and achy from arthritis, which I wanted to try and imagine did not exist.  But it was getting worse and worse.  But, since I have been using the sleeper, the pillows, pyramid, boulders, and cosmic marbles, I am energized and enhanced.   It just puts you in such a great atmosphere and is so hard to put into words, but my knees and hip pain and my diabetes is getting more and more under control, and I am elated.

My son, Ed, is getting better and better.  He has had Tourette’s Syndrome and has made such a remarkable recovery; you would never know he ever has had any problem.  By using all of the Star Babies items, it has altered his abilities in a way that is profound. Thank you, God, for the talent of Rochelle in her discovery and sharing it with the world. Those who want to improve and have truly a healing experience that is dynamic and want to be youthful again, I recommend using Star Babies products.

Rochelle, you can share this with the world and I am so happy to be a user of your terrific products and especially grateful for the wonders this has done also for my son, Ed.  Thank you, Rochelle, for sharing this wonderful joy with us.  We will always enjoy and thank God, for our encounter with Rochelle and using her products to improve our abilities and be able to do more for the world we live in….THANK YOU, ROCHELLE.  Carmie   

Subject: Crystal Baby Pillow
I just had to tell you about what I just experienced w/ your wonderful Crystal Baby Pillow. My right shoulder began bothering me and I must have aggravated it when I exercised at Curves. Using my right hand was difficult as movement bothered my shoulder. I usually sleep w/ the Baby Pillow under my regular pillow. Early this morning my shoulder bothered me so I had difficulty sleeping. I placed the Baby Pillow on my right shoulder under my nightshirt and went back to sleep. Lo and behold, the pain decreased so I could sleep! As I write this to you I have the Baby Pillow under my shirt on my shoulder and my arm feels great!  Aloha!  Susan

Subject: Re: Crystal Baby Pillow
Yes, you may add my comments to your "Happy Folks" communications. As of today, my shoulder is fine and I have no aches at all!  Take care,  Susan

The picture on the left was made of me at age 40.

The picture at the right was made at age 55 after I started using the Star Babies Cupcake and Medallion.

Last year on Christmas Eve, I received my Crystal Pyramid bar from Star Babies.  I posted in this room that I would share my results. So here they are.
I was asked to measure myself carefully before using the Star Babies Pyramid bar.  I was 5' 7 & 3/4 inches.  Tonight for this update I was measured again, I was exactly 5' 9"!  I had lost height and I'm glad to have it back.  I have reversed the shrinking that comes with getting older. I don't know of any other product that does this.
-> Regaining my height is physical proof the Pyramid really works <-
Water made with the Pyramid bar has been donated to people with various illnesses.  The most impressive results happened with a man who had an injury to his foot. The docs said the bone was dead and to prepare for amputation.  He put off the surgery hoping there was another way.  My friend gave him her Pyramid bar water.  (I wondered why she was not reporting benefits from using it)  He soaked his foot in the water for about 3 months.
Then the docs did another scan on the foot and didn't know what they were looking at and thought the machine was not working correctly.   They said the foot was still going to have to be removed.  When the docs started the operation, and took a look at the bone, there were signs of repair and healing.  The man kept his foot.

For me, all I did was take hot, relaxing baths with it and sometimes I would put it under my pillow or next to me in bed.  I used it regularly because it was pleasant and easy.  I plan to continue to use it and donate Pyramid water to my friends and neighbors. Most of you know that I don't work for Star Babies or sell any products.  If you want a Crystal Pyramid,Star Babies is the only place to get it.  All the product and contact info is at this site,  starbabies.org
Thanks, Rochelle, for this awesome product!  Love and Blessings, Skylord

Hello Gideon, and thanks for your interest.   I love a hot bath, so I used the Pyramid almost every night.  I skipped very few.  I tried to stay in for an hour each time, but sometimes that was just not possible. To make the Pyramid bar water, I would first wash the Pyramid bar in hot soap and water.  Then I would leave it overnight in a large container with a spigot.  The spigot made it much easier to get the water in the gallon plastic bottles that were going to the others.  On the nights I made the water, of course I could not have it by the nightstand or under my pillow.

I forgot to mention in my last update ------ that  next month will also be 3 years since our family all begin to drink the Crystal Cupcake water.  We all have beautiful heads of hair.  Mine was really starting to fall out and get thin.  I had to use little girls' clips and such as the adult size would just slip out of my hair.  I now have a full head of hair and it feels to me like I have more then I did when I was in high school.
Our old dog Lady is STILL with us------she was very sickly when I ordered our first Cupcake 3 years ago.  Her bald areas all filled in the second month and her coat has become thicker and more beautiful.  I have the 'before and after' pictures of her.  

Also, Lady and I both came out of menopause!  I found it to be a good thing-----others may not agree.......giggles.  Anyway, glad you found my first update interesting. Love and Blessings,  Skylord  

The Crystal Medallion!
This is my story about a beautiful piece of art that I wear around my neck each and everyday, twenty-four seven.  Yes, it is true I sleep with it and I shower with it on.  To be honest, I always wear it, because it has, now, become a part of me.  When I stop to think about it and what it is all about, it is a very deep subject.  Where do I begin to share with you about all the love that emanates from this beautiful piece of art?  It is far more than just something from the material world.  I believe, without a doub,t that God above has sent it to me out of love.  It gives me the feeling of being loved, secure, guided and hugged, all at the same time.
WOW - I Love it so much!!!!!!!  You know that feeling of having a wonderful connection with God and knowing all is and will be all ok!   Then, the knowing of all the love put into this piece of art that hangs around my neck and where it started.  It came from God and from the most spiritually connected love being named Rochelle.  She is awesome and I may never know, if she will ever know, how much the gift of what she makes and shares with us really does.  I believe her and God knows and they want us all to know that we are loved and guided.  Hey, you know, this is what I receive from it and you should check it out yourself and see what beautiful experience you may get.  I am so very, very happy and blessed to receive all of this Love and Wonderful feelings from my Medallion, my Friend.  Thank-you and Bless you Rochelle !!!!!!! Love, Grecia

My better half had his first hip replacement. He is healing VERY quickly; the docs and visiting therapists are very surprised.

Before he came home, I was sending him the healing frequencies, right into his body at the hospital.  As you know, I have added the frequencies from the Crystal Pyramid and the Crystal Sleeper to the frequencies I already send to my clients, family etc.

His wound closed in 3 days!  When he came home--it was completely healed!  We changed his bandages, but there was no need for any of them.  The wound was shut tight -----no bleeding or anything!

I also moved the Crystal Sleeper over to his side of the bed and he believes it helped him heal quickly from his previous surgery.

He did not have the 'quick glue' hip replacement-----he had the new procedure from Europe.  His doc refuses to do the glue operation as the hip tends to re-break.  This newly approved procedure has a metal shaft put inside the patients own leg bone--making it twice as strong.  Then a large ball is put in for greater balance, in the hip socket.

Recovery time is about 4 months.  No weight can be put on the leg for at least 6 weeks!

As of today, 2/3/03---it has been 3 weeks from the day of surgery and today will be his last visit from the therapist!  The doc is releasing him from the sessions, as there is no further need for them.

He was able to get off the Vicadin (pain medicine) that was sent home with him, in one week!  He said the frequencies took away his pain.  (Most patients are still on the Vicadin after the 6 week in-bed period)

Yesterday he was able to get into the car and do a short errand!   He is still in recovery and uses crutches to keep the majority of weight off his leg------but most are still in bed, in a drugged stupor, using a bed pan!  (His therapist told us that)

We think we have experienced a Miracle!  What I DO know is this: I will continue using the Crystal Sleeper and the Crystal Pyramid------and I will send those same frequencies to my clients, friends and family for their health.  Thank you, Rochelle, for these products!  Love and Blessings, Skylord

(To the precious prill circle)  I think you are the new person to the circle right.  I would like to fill in some gray areas for you, if that is ok with you.

Star Babies Prefered LLC, was born on April 5, 2000, in the State of Nevada.  Rochelle Clehr Hirschlor is and always has been the exclusive owner and Manager of Star Babies, even though, it has appeared many, many times that JC of Twilight has made it appear sometimes that Star Babies was another one of his defunct companies, which it is not. 
Star Babies was the manufacturer and supplier of Crystal Laminar products to Twilight.  Star Babies is the only company to date that has mastered the ability to create and produce Crystal Laminar items that really works.  Any potter out there can make a clay item that might kind-of-resemble her items but none of theirs will ever have the power that her items do, not even Mr. Jim Carter’s.  Star Babies has not been associated with Twilight in any way since August of 2002. 

Of all the products that Twilight and Star Babies produce, which is the most powerful and beneficial?

First of all the Twilight products do not work.  Second, any and all of the Star Babies items are very powerful each in its own way, and each work different for each person for what that person's most immediate need is.  Last, Twilight and Star Babies are not one in the same, two very different companies.  Is it the crystal Sleeper or the Pyramid?  How do you regain your height back? 

As for myself my spine is getting straight and the long bones in my legs are growing by growing younger!

Does one need to use daily baths if they are using the Pyramid and the Crystal Sleeper? 

The more items that you use in a day the more and faster results you get.  So the more the merrier.

How do you use a Pyramid, sleep on it, or use it in the water that you take a bath in?

I let all my Star Babies toys play in my bath water most of the day and sometimes I stick the pyramids under my bed and I sleep with the marbles and I have been holding a Cosmic Boulder in my hand that was broken last Thanksgiving  as long and as much as possible.  I carry 2 Cosmic Marbles in my jean pockets.  And I am sleeping on a huge Super Royal Sleeper.  What a trip.

I am new to the circle, I've read many old bulletins, but have found very few good workable and practical suggestions. Even fewer scientific proofs that the products really work.  If one was serious to reverse the aging process, what can one do, with let's say $3000?  Buy a Crystal Sleeper and Crystal Pyramid?  Would you still need to take daily baths on top of this?

Make your own Star Babies pool at home in your bath tub or spa.  Save all of the hassles of going to NV.  Get a set of Cosmic Marbles and a Pyramid and then a sleeper, that is how I started and then you will be off and running.  

I invite you to go visit Star Babies web site.  Take a look and read the letters sent to Star Babies from Happy Folks that are using the items that Star Babies offers.  I’m a very happy person just like Skylord is.  Here is the address  starbabies.org

As far as testimonies, one can find more on "Tibetan 5 Rites" that cost $30, then on all the postings about Prill products costing thousands of dollars.

Looking for real honest answers.  Don’t use prills, no, no!  Get yourself some Cosmic Marbles to make your water with.  Their creation has caused the production of Far-Infrared energy to the point that the marbles naturally turn pink in color, (my opinion);  they do cause the water to create a really fine Ormus oil water.  That for me appears to be very life regenerating.  Love and Peace, Vickie

Here are two 'before' and 'after' pictures, they are mammograms.  The 'before' mammogram was taken on November 25, 2002.  It shows a 'spot' and is marked with an "X" by the radiologist. The second picture is six months later, on June 9, 2003.  You can clearly see that the 'spot' is breaking up and is in a 'swirl pattern'.  After the radiologist looked at this second mammogram, he said "everything is fine and no further tests are necessary."

Before picture  11/25/2002​​

​I wish to express my gratitude to you for your crystal creations.

First thing when I get up in the morning, I have a soak in my tub with my pyramid, cupcake and marbles.  This energizes me for the day. (You know I am a Tour Bus Driver and therefore, must lift a great deal of heavy baggage.)  I put on my medallion, see that my pocket pal is there and off I go.

A few weeks ago when loading luggage, a passenger pushed his trunk sized suitcase at me, which pushed me up against the side of the bus, then said, “WOW, that’s almost as big as you are”.  I said “yes, sir, it is”.  (Now you know I am a 65 year old, five foot, 110 pound gal) so you can only imagine what an incident like this could do to me.  Thank goodness for the Star Babies laminar crystal power I had on me.

At the end of the day, I was sore, painful and aching.  I couldn’t wait to get home.  It was another bath in my charged water, then off to bed with my neck wrap on, on my royal sleeper and pillow, wondering if I could work the next day.  I fell quickly to sleep.  Next morning, believe it or not, the power of the crystal had empowered me and done its magic work.  I could go on, about the power of your creations!  Oh, one more thing I want you to know, the dogs and I fight for my pillow.

Everyone should have these things in their homes.  It would, besides giving energy, save lots of dollars.  Please feel free to use or share this letter with others.  I am gratefully, loving yours, Ruthie 

After picture  6/9/2003

I just had to tell you about what I just experienced w/ your wonderful Crystal Baby Pillow.  My right shoulder began bothering me and I must have aggravated it when I exercised at Curves.  Using my right hand was difficult as movement bothered my shoulder. I usually sleep w/ the Baby Pillow under my regular pillow.  Early this morning my shoulder bothered me so I had difficulty sleeping.  I placed the Baby Pillow on my right shoulder under my nightshirt and went back to sleep.  Lo and behold, the pain decreased so I could sleep!  As I write this to you I have the Baby Pillow under my shirt on my shoulder and my arm feels great!  Aloha! Susan

​Yes, you may add my comments to your "Happy Folks" communications.  As of today, my shoulder is fine and I have no aches at all!   Take care, Susan

I hope you can tell that my toes are longer, because they are.  I have purchased all new shoes and slippers as my old ones were too small.

So here is the proof that the Crystal Pyramid from Star Babies does affect the physical body. I'm also taller since using the Pyramid.  I had lost some height and now I'm getting it back.  I have grown over an inch in height since Dec 20, 2002.

Others have reported their toes growing and regaining their height as well.

For those who think the products are too expensive, save up your money, they are worth it. I took on extra work to afford mine.   The products do not 'wear out' or stop working, they keep performing year after year.  So they are quite a bargain after all.  P. S.  Only Star Babies has permission to use these photos.  Love and Blessings, Skylord     


​I have used two Crystal Cupcakes, from Rochelle's Star Babies, and I'm very happy with them. They still "work" just like the day they arrived.  I also have one of her Crystal Sleepers and a Crystal Pyramid.  I wouldn't be without them.  I trust Rochelle and her Star Babies items.  My personal advice to you is: go with the Original and the Best!   Love and Blessings, Skylord  

From: Barry Carter  Subject: Star Babies Baby Pyramid Grid
I have been using the smaller Star Babies Baby Pyramid Grid for about a month now.  I place my water bottle on top of the grid and use it to "charge" the water.  It definitely "improves" the taste of the water and I suspect that it also changes the viscosity and paramagnetic/diamagnetic properties of the water.  Barry Carter

Copyright 2000 - 2016  *  Laminar Crystal  © - Crystal Energy Technology  *  All rights reserved!

​First, if Barry has not had a chance to thank you for the crystal pyramid, let me do so. It is more than generous and beyond kind that you show such support to him. I have really enjoyed using the one you sent a few weeks back and I know that Barry will benefit greatly when he begins using the new one on a regular basis. I have shared this with another friend of mine in the Puyallup, WA area when I am there doing massage. She has a two person hot tub and I let the pyramid stay in it the entire time that I am there. She is enjoying the benefits of it and notices a huge increase in energy and a general feeling of well-being.
I am caring for an 87 yr. old woman who has been diagnosed with chronic fatigue. She requires two naps a day and retires very early at night. After two weeks of soaking in the tub with your pyramid and cosmic marbles, she is a bundle of energy. I can hardly keep up with her now. She arises at 5 AM and sleeps far less than before. She says that she is feeling more stamina now and as time progresses; I will keep you posted on further improvements. I hope we are able to meet you in the near future. Let's keep in touch and please inform us on the exciting things that are happening with your products.  Love and Hugs! Lyna 

Yes, the "Package of Power" did arrive on Wednesday.
Currently I am using xxxxxxxxx  so I am not sure if your products demonstrated exclusively their own power or if they were additionally enhancing the ORMUS products mentioned above but, in either case, after just 5 hours of soaking a cupcake and two boulders in a gallon of water I drank about 16 ounces of that water and lay down to sleep.  But I couldn't quite get to sleep because the energy was so great (in both senses of the term).  This was the greatest influx of Ormus-related energy I have ever felt. There have been deeper Ormus experiences, but energy-wise this was more than noticeable - I was not expecting something so dramatic so quickly. 

Indeed... a Package of Power - no hyperbole there.  Thank you!  Also thank you for the bonus cupcake.  I will be doing a number of experiments with these items (and the ones I will be purchasing in the future) in conjunction with my other Ormus interests.  This morning I made a monoatomic tea with some Indian herbs and a lot of watercress.  After boiling the tea I dropped in a cupcake and boulder [Is this o.k. to put them in water that has just boiled but is now off the burner and cooling?  Also, does it help to keep water heated to, say, 100 degrees (in a hot-box) for cupcake-water resonance?] and will run the whole brew through a Talmage Ormus-charger this evening.  I have other experiments planned using Effective Microorganisms [The em_wg forum is where I first heard of your products].

Is there a forum discussing Star Babies LLC?  The precious prills circle [I have never bought any of those products and don't plan on doing so as I have heard numerous testimonies that yours are hands-down superior] seems to just talk about enzymes.  I am the sort of person who likes to gather all possible information on subjects of interest.  How people use these products and their experiments and experiences is something I would want to read and collect.  Thanks again. Blake

​I am using the marbles and baby cupcake for daily baths (would like to make it stronger).  I am hardly using any diuretics.  It seems to help the tissues in my body drain.  P Jensen  

​I Love bathing with the pyramid and marbles.  I do let the bath "set-up" all day, keeping it hot with a heater.  I'm only 62 years old and having some bone loss.  I want many more years of good health.  I really think this is helping.  Health is Everything!  Many Blessings, Dona  

You may, of course, share.  I took another bath last night, prepared all day.  I put in my marbles and cupcakes and pyramid and let it "charge up".  It's really wonderful!  People say to me, "you look different", not younger, just different.  I think my health improves with each bath.  I also sleep with the pyramid and I am loving it.  What I'm planning next, is to share with others, as I said, I'm a body worker.  Many blessings from here, Dona

I KNEW IT!!  Had my awesome bath, again, last night, with marbles and pyramid.  I also sleep with same.  Now, I am 62 years old and I feel about 12.  I want everybody to feel good and I'm going to have clients use these, too.  Thank you and blessings, Dona 

Well-Sleeping deep with dreams, haven't had dreams in a while, that's new after sleeping on the crystal bed.  You know, there is nothing more important then feeling well.  There is no price to measure it by.  Health is Wealth is my motto.  Well, I do massage and shiatsu and Reiki and crystal bowl toning and I'm a nurse practitioner, so all about health. When I saw your crystal sleeper, I knew I had to have it.  Not only for me, but want to/will/use on massage table.  I would also say, I feel more positive about many things.  Had my first two pyramid bath and marbles last night.  It was fantastic!!!  I put my two special crystals together into a crystal bowl and vibrated them.  Well, that sounded a little funny.  I keep my bowls in good working order by putting your marbles in them for a little extra treat.  Both are very happy.  As I feel better and better, I want to share these things with others.  Love and Blessings, Dona   

It was great to hear all the things that have happened to Vickie in her Crystal Paradise!  Really fun stuff, boobs getting so much bigger and her living in total Bliss.  I have been feeling just great and so is Ed.  My shape keeps sifting around, much more shapelier, and I need to weigh myself in regards to my weight.  My diabetes is easier to control but I get carried away then and eat too much of the wrong things and I need to practice more patience and keep on my diet to know that I am doing so well and I wait for it to get better and better until I eat like my diabetes is totally under control, before I cheat so much. But I am getting there little by little.

Our life in the crystal heaven!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We love our crystal Sleepers, crystal Pillows, our Cupcakes, our heavenly Crystal Pyramid Bar and the crystal Marbles.  Soon to get Boulders has been extremely uforic and heavenly, like we feel, like we are in a totally different world.  We live in such peace and bliss, my memory improvement is amazing, remembering things I have long forgotten.  Remembering phone numbers I knew and recalled from my memory now, which I could not do before our life of the Bubble of our Rochelle's Crystal World of Heavenly Bliss.  We would love to thank for her sharing this Healing experience that we have experienced and been able to make such a dynamic influence on our concentration and our total outlook and feeling of euphoria and the things we are getting so many changes in our physical and emotional and spiritual and psychological life that it is mind boggling.  We want the world to know what great things Rochelle has made available to everyone, to be so improved and just amazing, for a while when all this began to happen with the Pyramid baths, it was such a wonderful experience that you did not even notice all the new things that were happening in our lives.  We are still discovering many of the positive and wonderful effects of our experience.

Memory improvement has been tremendous, stresses have been gone, like it is not a devastating experience.  We have been able to resolve it.  And grow from it and go on with our lives.  What a healing experience!!!!!!!!!!!

My diabetes is much easier to control and gets better and better.

My shape of my body has been doing much shifting, to a much more attractive body shape with just doing our Pyramid baths every one to two days.  It is a real experience that is hard to describe but a real thing we cannot ever leave out of our lives.  It has transformed us.  Our financial problems seem to resolve itself in much of an amazing way.

I have grown about ¼ of an inch at age 62, amazing in just 2 short months almost.

My son Ed has Toilette’s syndrome and has ADD, but his tics and his concentration and his focus is unbelievably improved, to quite an amazing level.  He is doing tremendous!!!!

Thank You, Rochelle, for sharing the wonderful Crystal products and amazing experience of having the Pyramid with us at all times and having all these changes so rapid that we have a hard time realizing them.  Cause of the Oh what a wonderful life experience and being in such a dynamite world of wonder and how our world has changed to such a high level.  I will keep in more touch with the reality of the good things God has helped us by putting Rochelle in our lives and we believe God has people come into our lives for a reason and what a great gift of having us get to know Rochelle and what gifts she has to share with the world to improve our lives and how to serve better much better in this world!

Rochelle, please share our news with everyone so they too can experience this wonder, joy, peace and healing and marvelous Crystal Heavenly World!  May God always show his face to shine upon you and always give you Uforia and Peace and the dynamite of Crystal Joy Love and Peace!   At such a reasonable reachable solution of God working in this world.  For those who want to get more peace and wonderful things to happen, experience the Crystal products of Rochelle's Star Babies!!!!  Her products are so reasonable for what they do for you.  She truly is trying to help the world be a better Place!!  Thanks Rochelle, You're the greatest,  Love Ya, Carm & Eddie


There are just so many things happening to me since I started living in Crystal Paradise, especially since I got my Pyramid and Cosmic Marbles to bath and sleep with and my big crystal pillow and the crystal bed that I sleep on.  I just buzz around all of the time.  There came a point a few weeks ago that I had a really dramatic spiritual shift is the only way I know how to explain it.  I became so centered or balanced.  All of the stress from problems just isn’t that big of a deal any more.  Or if they are, they are really easy to overcome or fix.  Things seem to get fixed easier and faster now.  I feel like I live in a state of bliss or such joy all of the time now, things are just so peaceful, not stressful.  Another strange thing I have noticed is if I want something it just happens or if it is a material thing it just comes to me.

One thing I noticed was that I started eating dairy foods like I was a starved child.  I started drinking lots of milk of all kinds, cheese, cottage cheese, yogurt, cream cheese.  This was not at all like me to eat that stuff.   At this time I was taking at least one long Pyramid bath a day and sometimes two baths.  I was also wearing three Medallions and I had a baby cupcake in each pocket of my jeans.  Each day I see little changes happening in my face and neck.  The lines are getting less and less. 

One night I was relaxing in my bath tub and had my feet propped up on the wall and I got to looking at my feet.  I had already noticed that my feet had stopped hurting all of the time and that was great in its self but what I noticed on this night, I truly was not expecting.  Each one of my toes looked like I had been wearing a tight fitting ring on them next to the body of my foot and then I realized that all of my toes had grown about a ¼ to ½ inch in length and my crushed arches had rebuilt and risen.  Yesterday for the first time in years I was able to go shopping with a girl friend and be on my feet on a hard floor most of the day without hurting.  My pocket book was the only thing hurting from all of the shopping after the Christmas sales.

Just before Christmas and after all of the dairy consumption, I noticed that my leg bones ached just a little bit like they did when I was a kid and was growing up.  Rochelle told me early on when I started using all of these Crystal products that I would get changes and to measure myself.  I had backed up against the door casing in my kitchen and measured my height and marked and dated it at 5 feet, 3 and ¾ inches tall in early October and on this morning, after I had discovered that my toes had grown, I decided that after the leg bones aching that I would measure my self again and to my surprise I found that I had grown 1 and 1/4 inch in height since I have been using my Pyramid. 

I went to see my children during Christmas. My daughter and I went to the "I HOP" for breakfast.  My daughter suggested that I should order from the Seniors Menu and save myself some money.  I thought that was a good idea, since I didn’t think saving money would cause a problem.  So I decided what I wanted and when the waitress came to get our order I told her that I wanted to order the Seniors Pancake Special and she told me that I couldn't, that I did not qualify.  I asked her why not and she told me that there was no way that I was a senior and then I had to prove it, which I did.  I then told her how I had changed and gave her my website and she was very interested in the Star Babies Products. 

Now Star Babies has created these little spheres that are called Cosmic Marbles and let me tell you with everything I get from Rochelle, we discuss the buzz that I get from the items.  For weeks, while she was working on this new creation, she was telling me about the little balls and how they would turn the water blue and gold and if you put three in a gallon of water for two weeks that it would turn towards an oil and how fast people were changing when they were bathing with the Cosmic Marbles and drinking the water made with them, so I just had to have some.  Finally I got my group of Cosmics.  The first thing I did was put all of the little dynamite fellows in my bath tub with my Pyramid and let them have a party with my bath water all day long.  I must tell you I thought I was getting a really nice buzz from the baths with the Pyramid and would have never have dreamed that six little marbles could do what these did.  They multiplied the energy of my Pyramid bath by about ten times.  I joke and tell Rochelle that I needed a seat belt in the bath tub to hold me in.  The little Cosmics are so powerful that when I got out of the tub my knees were knocking and I had to go lie down and finish relaxing.  It was a great ride.  I joke and tell Rochelle that the buzzy energetic baths are better than sex, but no kidding; the energy buzz is so incredible you just vibrate all over.   Since I started using the Cosmics, I have noticed that the tops of my hands don’t look so old and wrinkled like they did in September of 2002.  The skin is so soft and so much smoother on the backs of my hands and now the skin is getting thicker and the blood veins are getting covered up with skin.  I have also noticed that it looks like the lines on my upper lip are filling in from the bottom up and then they are just leaving.

Also, I gave each of my four horses a Crystal Cupcake for Christmas and put it into their water troth.  Now when I go visit with them I have seen my horses fight with each other to see which one is going to drink from the water troth first.  My horses are 14 years old and now they are acting like young fillies and colts, running, racing and playing.

Just this week I went to Birmingham to have my day out shopping with my girl friend, which I had not seen since mid October of 2002.  She told me that she could not believe the rapid changes in my face.   She told me that my face looks like it has had a lift.  She also noticed something that I was not aware of, that my really straight hair is getting curly.  I wear my hair pulled up most of the time and she told me that it was in ringlets down my neck, which it was and I did not even realize it.  I have also noticed that my gray is changing through color gradations back to my normal color of dark brunette.

Another thing that has happened to me is that my right hip had been really bothering me for the last year.  When I would set for any length of time I could hardly get up and stand up straight.  Also, there were many times when it felt like my leg was going to fall out of my hip joint.  It had gotten to the point that some days, it was really painful to even walk.  My recovery from this problem happened so suddenly and completely in the last three months it just about slipped my mind with all of the other things that have been going on in my life. 

My oldest daughter gave me a new granddaughter on November 22, 2002.  I had rushed out there to be there for her and the new baby in early November because she was having so much trouble.  When I arrived, I found that my daughter was swollen up all over like she had Eclampsia and I became very concerned for her and the baby.  Her legs and feet were so swollen that she could hardly even walk.  All of this swelling was also starting to cause her much concern for the baby.  I called the midwife which had been out of town for two weeks and requested that she come check my child out.  Happily we found out that my daughter was a little anemic and was just swollen and nothing really bad. 

I had a baby cupcake with me and at about 8:00 that night, after the midwife left, I put it into my daughters' really large thermos mug.  This mug is what she drinks all of her water out of.   To our surprise the next morning when she got up the swelling had ¾ of the way left.  After a whole day of drinking the cupcake water and by the time she got up the next morning to our surprise, again, every bit of the swelling had gone away. She could walk just fine and had no swelling in her feet or legs.   I thought it was just wonderful that the little baby cupcake could cause such a dramatic change in a pregnant person.

The dogs and cats in our household track me down no matter were I go.  If I set or lay down, they set on my feet climb up in my lap and lay on me or if I’m in the bed they all pile up on me and lay all over my body just to get close to the buzz.

I would like to add as a footnote to all of this.  I have not used any of the Twilight Products since September and I am doing better without them.  I have not had any real pain or sickness with my detoxing or changes.  It has been a most thrilling journey of change that has come about very gently and tenderly with no stress.   One thing I have noticed about bathing with the Pyramid is this, if I  slip and drink Coke in a day, I will have a ring in my bath tub and if I do not drink one in a day, I do not have a ring in my bath tub.  So this tells me that the Pyramid bath really pulls the bad stuff out of your body.

Today, Jan. 17, 2003, I went to Belk’s Clothing Store and found the cutest little pair of platform wedge heel shoes covered in denim with inserted leather stars.    I told the lady that I wanted to try the size 7 shoes with my pads for the balls of my feet  and I told her that I just very seldom  have worn high heels.  I really hadn’t been able to wear them in a long time.  Hurting feet and leg cramps.  The lady told me that she didn’t wear heels either because she was almost fifty years old and I laughed and told her that I was 56 years old and that I had eight grandchildren.  She looked at me and said, “NO, YOU ARE NOT”.   I thought you were in your mid thirties.  I told her that she made my day.  Then I told her about the Pyramid and the wonderful Cosmic Marbles that I use in my bath water and that I use the Marbles with my Crystal Cupcake to make my drinking water and to cook with.  And the Medallions, Baby cupcakes and Cosmic Marble that I wear on my person all of the time.  I told her that this is what I am using to reverse my aging.   At this point she got really excited and wanted to know more, so I am going back to see her tomorrow with product information,  a booklet and I’m going to get those cute little young looking shoes.  I know that my little shoes probably doesn’t look like very much of a big deal to most people but they are to me.  I am thinking younger, feeling younger and feeling at peace.

​I have a new thing that ought to "tickle your funny bone".  Such wonderful things since I got the Cosmic Marbles three days ago.  First half of them went into my water container.  The other three—have I ever, given a work-out.  Yesterday I took my first bath with the extra energy of the simmered water with the three marbles.  After the bath, I decided to take a leaf out of the lady’s book and put one in each bra cup (being I've been told that my “living bra” died because I had nothing to feed it) and decided to give it a try.  The other one, I put into my pocket along with my pocket pal.  That was yesterday, and then last night I ordered the WORLD from you.  WOW ! What symbolism.  This morning in a bath with my extra charged water and marbles, while luxuriating in my bath, enjoying the silky, soft, smoothness of it, I was playing with the marbles, rolling them around in my hands, feeling their silkiness, and then I wondered how they'd taste.  Reasoning that babies always put things in their mouth, so they can get a real idea/sense of it, (I am a complete denture wearer and my gums and mouth are quite tender a lot of the time), I popped one in my mouth and mauled it around in my mouth, you know like you'd do with a jawbreaker. It tasted silky, very comfortable, no taste really, satisfied, I took it out and SURPRISE !  My mouth felt better. I thought, how neat, I'll bet Rochelle will get a real kick out of this.  I see we need to experiment with these creations.  Seems like, "the Sky’s, the Limit".  I was thinking how the Indians were taught to suck on a pebble to overcome thirst, imagine using one of these cosmic marbles, you'd get a charge out of it, too.  My mind is just going nuts?/bananas?  No-- marbles over these marbles.  Well, I've gone marbles over my marble.  Needn't worry about me loosing my marbles and that’s for sure.  Share this with others, as it may give them some impetus to experiment.  Also, the more we share with each other, the more fun we'll have.  Well today, it's "The World" tomorrow it's, "The Universe".  Why not!  With love & gratitude,  Ruthie 

Boy, what a change in me!

​I just wanted to drop you another “THANK YOU” for your wonderful creations and what they do for the people in my life as well as myself.  Please also feel free to use my words anyway you see fit to do so.

About a month ago I was busy getting everything in my house cleaned up and child proofing my house for the arrival of my three little grand daughters for the summer.

In my rush of cleaning out the closet in the room they were going to use, I flipped something into my eye.  I went to the bath room and flushed my eye with saline and it still felt like I had gravel in my eye and soon I was in so much pain I was really getting upset.  So in a last ditch effort to avoid going to the hospital, I took an eye dropper opened my bottle of simmered cosmic marble ormus water and dropped it into my eye.  I was so surprised. It was an instant miracle.  In only five seconds all of the pain was gone.

My grand children arrived and the second day they were here I took the two oldest girls to the bank with me.  When we returned to the van I was helping one of the girls into the slider door on the side while the other girl was getting into the front seat.  The one in the front seat moved too fast for me and before I could grab the door and stop it, she had totally slammed the other girls hand totally closed in the door.  Brittney started screaming and for just I second I froze and all I could think of, in that instance was if it was crushed she could be looking at going through everything my friend had gone through with her severally broken right hand.  I grabbed the door, opened it and got Brittney’s hand out of it.  Poor baby was white and I took all of her pain and I almost threw up on the way home.  I got in the van and rushed her home, got her into the house and set her down.  I placed her hand on the flat side of the Star Babies Baby Pyramid Grid and on top of that a cold compress.

Brittney left her hand on the Grid and ice pack for about an hour and then told me that she thought it was alright.  To my joy, she had no swelling, no pain and nothing was wrong with her hand after the hour.  The only signs that her little hand showed that she had a run in with the van door was a little red strike on her index figure.

After we all got settled in,  I got a Medallion for each of my girls.  They picked out the color they wanted.  I put them on chains round their necks and they tell me that they protect them from getting hurt or sick.  The youngest girl was on Ritalin and Concerta when she got here.  She has changed so much in three weeks that she is doing just fine without her drugs and is becoming a much calmer and easy going child.  Her teacher at day care took her Medallion off at school and all war just about broke out with her and the teacher.  She will not be without her Medallion on at all times.  She is very firm with me in telling me that it takes care of her.  Now the girl's neighborhood play mates all want Medallions, too.

I have an Aunt Bert that is 78 years old and quite the card of a person.  She is so funny and comical.  About four months ago, she had a three level spinal fusion on her back.  I went to see her one day and she was crying about how bad she hurt and that she couldn’t do anything anymore.  She was about six weeks out of surgery.  At that time, I had just gotten my Star Babies Baby Grid so I went out to the car and retrieved it and took it in the house and gave it to my Aunt.

A couple of days later, I called my Aunt to see if she had had any relief from her pain by using the Baby Grid and I got very worried about her because she was panting and out of breath when she answered the phone.  I asked her what was going on and she informed me that she had been out mowing the grass and digging up flower beds, etc,, and had hurried up the steps when she heard the phone ring.  And she still had my Baby Grid and will not let me have it back and is still making flower beds and working in the yard.  She is doing much better.  I just think that is remarkable for a person her age.  Today she called and told me that she wants me to put up a swimming pool for her to go swim in.  Sincerely, Rioh Rheigh Pheigh

Since Sept. 2002, I have had many changes going on, inside of me, also.  The body aches and pains are gone and the fact that I had gone through full blown menopause, and now the monthly thing is back.   The first day I had the pillow was the first time in 10 years I was able to easily lift my body weight with my right knee without hurting so bad I wanted to cry.  I have stopped taking doctor medications because of a herniated disc in my lower back and neck due to a car wreck.  These improvements can also be measured in dollars and cents because I am no longer having to buy expensive medications for my problems.   I just feel so much better.  I have stopped becoming disabled from migraine headaches and hurting body when changing weather fronts were coming our way.

I had been putting a cupcake pocket pal in my bra on the left side and I noticed that, that side of me was growing, so I put one on the other side in my bra.  Since Sept. when I started wearing the pocket pals in my bra and then I added a Medallion to the two pocket pals, which gives me the power of three, my bust line is now the Charmed one.  I have grown from a modest 38B to a stuffed 38D.  I must say it has been fun.  I went to a old girl friend class reunion a few weeks ago and all of the girls know that I was never heavy in the bust line and my old friend Mary left the reunion and went to the barn with me to feed my horses and she just could not stand it any longer so she said, “I have just got to ask you.  Have you had a Boob Job”?  I just lost it, laughing, and pulled up my top and showed her the new me and told her NO, IT IS ALL ME.  Funny!!!!!  It is really strange my weight and inches are shifting to and fro on my body.  But to get a new bust line at age 56, after wanting one all of my life, is so funny to me. 

A month after the first mammogram, with the 'spot' in it, I received the Crystal Pyramid Bar.  I placed it in the bathtub and soaked for about an hour each day.  Later I received the Cosmic Marbles and Boulders.  I began making the 'Crystal Oil' with them and adding that to my baths as well. 

I have something else to share as well.  When I received the Crystal Pyramid Bar, I began to make the 'Pyramid Water' and give it to my disabled friends.  One lady was giving her water away.  Her friend was facing a foot amputation.  Scans done three months ago, has shown that the bone in this man's foot was dead and turning black.  The doctors told him to prepare for amputation.  My friend tells me that this man soaked his foot in the 'Pyramid Water' daily.  The surgery was a few days ago and when the docs got a good look at that foot, they were amazed.  The bone was not dead, but it did need more circulation, so they drilled tiny holes to encourage healing.  He is so happy, he wants to come and meet me and see all my Star babies toys.  Thank you, Rochelle, for these awesome products! Love and Blessings,  Skylord  

​I'm so glad the Star Babies products work.  Like many others, I have grown in height and now even my feet have grown!  Every time I tell someone about that, they ask: 'why do you want bigger feet?'   Well I never wanted bigger feet, but that is part of the proof that the products work.  I'm happy to have bigger feet, mine were actually too small----size 7 when I was 5' 10''   The stores were always out of size 7, because it was the most popular size.  The stores seem to always have size 8, so shoe buying is easy now. 

As for jeans, I'm fitting into some I have not worn for years----as I got shorter, they were too long.  

For those of you who don't want bigger feet----do what my daughter does-----soak with all your nice Star Babies 'toys' in the tub, but keep your feet out of the water.  I now keep all my toys by my spine, instead of my feet, because I want to gain another inch in height. 

I took a 'before' picture of my toes and posted it for this chat.  I'll post my 'after' picture as soon as my cute nerd gets back from vacation.  Love and Blessings,  Skylord  

​I just wanted to add an update.  When I started the Tachyon experiment, I left off all Star Babies products.  I used some Tachyon 'beads' instead.  I didn't experience anything from them or feel any energy.  I wish I had, as I was very excited about the technology.  Once again, my thanks to Rochelle for sending them to me, but also my apologies to her for not liking them.

I really felt 'dragged out' and a lack of energy from leaving off the Crystal Cupcake that I have worn for almost three years.  I also did not use my Crystal Bed, Pyramid, Cosmic Boulders and Marbles.  My body began hurting again like it used too, before using the Star Babies products.

I really missed all my 'toys' and don't want to be without them again.  Today, I feel refreshed and out of pain.  What a difference! 

I wish everyone had these products.  You don't need them all to feel a difference.  I just used the Crystal Cupcake and drank water made from it for almost 2 years, and experienced more energy, renewed hair growth and the family dog and I both came out of menopause!

I do not work for Star Babies /Rochelle and I do not receive a 'kick back' etc.   I'm just sharing my experience as I told you all I would. Love and Blessings,  Skylord  

Star Babies and Laminar Crystals are brands owned by Star Babies Prefered LLC which in turn is owned in whole by Rochelle Hirschlor.  Similar products offered for sale by any other store or website are in no way associated with or licensed by Star Babies Prefered LLC.  No rights are implied or provided for use of our images, content, branding or business model without the express written permission of Star Babies Prefered LLC.  Any professional associations or affiliations will be duly noted on our website when and IF such a relationship should exist.  If you have any questions regarding this statement please use our contact form.

Subject: ormus!

​I've got Ormus water, yea!!   I put the pyramid and 4 marbles in the tub full time, and in a day or so I had a nice shimmering surface to the water.  Last night it seemed to be even thicker!  This is great!  Now tell me what all it's doing for me.  Is it building cell tissue or is this all a mystery and up for grabs?  I know the testimonies tell some of the story, but that's in examples.  What is the core, basic concept of this product?  May all that you manifest unfold before your eyes, Priscilla


​I have also been using some of the Star babies Products. They were a Christmas present that I started using on Christmas day with a bath in the crystal pyramid water. I have been taking these baths with great frequency (for me) since that time. I bathe in the pyramid water every two or three days. I have also been sleeping with the crystal pyramid at the foot of my bed under the mattress for the last couple of weeks.

I have to back up here and give a brief health history. I have been a vegetarian since 1970, eating neither meat nor eggs but using fermented milk products like cheese and yogurt. I think my care in diet has lead to generally good health with no serious chronic or major infectious disease as an adult in my 53 years of life.

In the late 70's I injured my back by landing on my tailbone in a front flip in the front yard. This stretched the mylan sheath of my spinal cord and it would periodically get bunched up causing intense back pain for a week or so about once or twice a year. This happened more frequently as I got older.

When I started using my computer regularly in the late 80's I would get carpal tunnel pain in my right wrist. I would also occasionally get tennis elbow in one of my elbows (I have forgotten which one) from hammering or other repetitive wood working motions.

I started taking ORMUS materials in August of 1997 and have been taking them regularly since then. At first, while I knew they were good for me, I did not really notice much of a health benefit. After taking them for about 3 years, I noticed that all the pains that I have described had pretty much ceased. They have not come back since.

As a child I had to wear special shoes because of flat feet. This has been another recurring problem throughout my life. My feet have always hurt after I have been on them for eight or ten hours. This got dramatically worse in the mid 80's when I was doing forest activist work and spending a lot of time walking timber sales. Eventually it got to the point where I could not be on my feet for more than a few minutes without pain.

While ORMUS seemed to help this condition, the improvement was not as dramatic or thorough as the improvement of my other aches and pains. I used to think that since this condition is of much longer standing that it might take me much longer to move through it.

Since I have started using the crystal cupcake in my drinking water and the crystal pyramid under my feet and night and in my bath every few days I have not had much foot pain at all. My feet feel more and more "comfortable" every day. This is a condition I cannot remember ever happening before in my life.

Before I started taking baths in the crystal pyramid water I also took pictures of my flat feet and measured my height so I would have some objective evidence of any changes in these areas. I found that I have gotten about 1/8 inch shorter than when I stopped growing in my youth. Any shrinkage in my height may already have been reversed by my use of the ORMUS materials though I have no way of telling this.

My feet are visibly less flat but I am waiting till this effect is a bit more evident before posting before and after pictures of my feet.

Here is what I think is happening. The crystal pyramid and crystal cupcakes seem to make water wetter and able to pass through cellular tissue. This wetter water seems to make the toxins in the body more soluble and the baths seem to help the body to eliminate  toxins by pulling them out of the body into the bath water till the level of toxins in the bath water reaches an equilibrium with the level of toxins in the  body. Of course, this will only reduce the toxins in the body to a certain extent with each bath. This is why it is necessary to take many baths in this water.

The evidence I have for this effect in my own experience is that with the first few baths the water got very gray but it has gradually become clearer at the end of subsequent baths.

I first heard about the Laminar Crystal products three or four years ago from a friend that told me about a "mattress" that would rejuvenate and energize you if you slept on it for 15 minutes or so. My friend told me about this "mattress" because we shared an interest in ORMUS and he thought that the mineral material in this mattress might be ORMUS. Subsequently, he got a sample of this mineral and was able to identify it as a very rich source of the ORMUS elements.

The second time I heard of these materials was in the spring of 2001. Another friend has an opportunity to use the Star Chamber and reported incredible healing responses. 

This other friend told me of a story of how a very sick woman took a dip in the Star Chamber and after she got out the water was so full of the toxins that it smelled like ammonia (urine. He said that this woman felt much better after this experience.

If the Laminar Crystals surrounding the Star Chamber and the Crystal Pyramid really do restructure water, as these stories would suggest, then my guess is that this restructuring comes about as a result of a resonant phenomena rather than a chemical reaction. I would surmise that the ORMUS in the crystals resonates with the ORMUS in the water and restructures it to make the water better able to dissolve and carry away the toxins of the body.

Since my feet are the lowest points of my body, I would expect that toxic metals might accumulate there. There is evidence that Kinotakara pads can pull these toxic metals from the feet. I think that the baths in the Crystal Pyramid water must be doing much the same thing.

Sleeping with the Crystal Pyramid under my feet and drinking the Crystal Cupcake water would be instrumental in getting these toxins back into solution by restructuring the water in my feet. These toxins might pass out of my body over time by normal elimination but this could take years and I might have healing crisis pains as they were in my blood stream during this process of elimination. The bath seems to short-circuit this process by helping to move these toxins directly out of my body through my skin.

I have also noticed an interesting phenomena with my cat Simba. Since my partner Lyna moved in with her cat Cleo, Simba has refused to sleep on the bed at night. Cleo would hiss and carry on till he would leave even if I brought him in and put him on the bed first. A few nights ago I went in to go to bed and found Simba sleeping on the portion of the mattress which is directly over the Crystal Pyramid at the foot of the bed. When Cleo came in she immediately proceeded to tell him to leave in her usual tone of voice and he basically ignored her, sleeping the rest of the night on that same spot. The next night Simba was also sleeping on this spot when I went in to bed.

I am quite pleased with what has been happening with Rochelle's products. My feet are feeling so much better for the first time in decades. This really is a great improvement in my quality of life as they used to hurt so badly at the end of the day that I could hardly think. 
With Kindest Regards, Barry

Previously I mentioned my height.  Just before I started using the Crystal Pyramid I measured my height at 5' 9 5/8".  Today I measured my height at 5' 10".  My partner Lyna recently had her height measured by a doctor at 5' 1 1/2".  When we measured her today she was 5' 2" tall.  She has been taking one or two baths per day in the Crystal Pyramid water and drinking the Crystal Cupcake water as have I, but she has only been doing this since January 18th.

I spoke with a neurosurgeon colleague this afternoon and he said that a half inch increase in height is practically impossible according to conventional medical knowledge.  He suggested that the re-hydration of the "bags" between the vertebrae might be responsible for this change of height.  Barry 

​I must share this experience with you.  I am a bus driver (charter buses, like Greyhound).  Most of the time, I work locally.  Once in a while, I have to go out of town.

I sure got a real awakening just last week.  I had to go out of town and for the night.  When I got there, I took a bath and settled into bed for a good nights sleep.  Well!  That wasn’t to be.  The sciatica began to ache, got cramps in the other leg and my upper arms ached.  When I did sleep, I had nightmares.  None of these things have I had for a long, long time.  I wondered what happened all of a sudden? 

When I got home, I wasn’t looking forward to the night.  I took my bath with all my Star Babies toys (that’s always so relaxing) and went to bed and snuggled into my wonderful Royal Sleeper, with my Royal pillow in place, etc.  I fell into a peaceful, pain free, restful sleep with my usual sweet dreams.

The next morning, I knew the Royal Sleeper, Royal Pillow and Star Babies items had made the miracle.  I really realized now, how my Royal Sleeper and Pillow had made the difference in my well being, over the more than a year, since I got it.  For sure, it is worth far more then what I paid for it back then.  It’s saved me so much misery and I paid considerably more then it’s being offered right now.  It’s a steal.

And by the way, a couple of weeks ago, I dropped a heavy desk on my foot and my neighbor who came to help me with it, when he found I was trying to move it without asking for help said, “You’ll not be able to work tomorrow because your foot will be aching, bruised and swollen.”  I told him, we’ll see.  I put the Royal Pyramid Grid on it, held on with my limb wrap.  Next morning, it was fine.  That was a miracle, as far as I was concerned, cause it was so painful the night before.

Please feel free to share this with anyone who would be interested.  Believe me that the Royal Sleeper is worth its weight in gold. Sincerely in your debt, Ruthie

I must share this experience with you.  I am a bus driver (charter buses, like Greyhound).  Most of the time, I work locally.  Once in a while, I have to go out of town.

I sure got a real awakening just last week.  I had to go out of town and for the night.  When I got there, I took a bath and settled into bed for a good nights sleep.  Well!  That wasn’t to be.  The sciatica began to ache, got cramps in the other leg and my upper arms ached.  When I did sleep, I had nightmares.  None of these things have I had for a long, long time.  I wondered what happened all of a sudden? 

When I got home, I wasn’t looking forward to the night.  I took my bath with all my Star Babies toys (that’s always so relaxing) and went to bed and snuggled into my wonderful Royal Sleeper, with my Royal pillow in place, etc.  I fell into a peaceful, pain free, restful sleep with my usual sweet dreams.

The next morning, I knew the Royal Sleeper, Royal Pillow and Star Babies items had made the miracle.  I really realized now, how my Royal Sleeper and Pillow had made the difference in my well being,  over the more than a year, since I got it.  For sure, it is worth far more then what I paid for it back then.  It’s saved me so much misery and I paid considerably more then it’s being offered right now.  It’s a steal.

And by the way, a couple of weeks ago, I dropped a heavy desk on my foot and my neighbor who came to help me with it, when he found I was trying to move it without asking for help said, “You’ll not be able to work tomorrow because your foot will be aching, bruised and swollen.”  I told him, we’ll see.  I put the Royal Pyramid Grid on it, held on with my limb wrap.  Next morning, it was fine.  That was a miracle, as far as I was concerned, cause it was so painful the night before.

Please feel free to share this with anyone who would be interested.  Believe me that the Royal Sleeper is worth its weight in gold.  Sincerely in your debt,  Ruth Jessop

Subject: Amazing healing  

Just wanted to drop you a line and share with you my experience with the Star Babies Marbles.   I was in a little mishap and my face was bloody, scraped up and swollen up.  I looked like Mike Tyson had shoved my face in a meat grinder.  I wasn't home at the time and had a conference planned that I was going to.  I went home to get ready for the trip.  My Star Babies Marbles has just arrived, so I decided to make up a batch of the Oil Solution.  I took it with me and sprayed my face quite often with the Oil Solution.  I did not take anything else with me or use anything else on my face.  It seems like a miracle the way and the speed my faced healed up.  My wife couldn't believe when I got home how my face had healed up.  It was really amazing.  I am experimenting with some plants now and it looks like that is going to bring some amazing results also.  I will keep you informed.   Thank You for the Star Babies Technology.     Don  N

Thank you, for sharing with me much needed and what appears to be truthful information.  So in your opinion Star Babies is better then Twilight.  I will look for the Cosmic Marbles.  When I go to Twilight, I find their statements too abstract to really understand. 
PS. I have been using Prill water and daily baths, using Magic Oil and Bath Crystals.  So far I don't find them doing much, or at least I don't feel much from them.
I am keeping a look for signs, such as grey hair turning back to original color.
I am doing 5 Rites again since busting my knee cap in auto accident.
5 Rites of Rejuvenation are 5 simple exercises that one does daily.  They are reputed to energize your seven body centers, which in return energizes the glands to produce the proper hormones.  They are compatible with any anti aging program.   Mark 

My connection with you on Saturday was very powerful.  I don't understand it.  I just know that I've been clear and calm ever since, in spite of hectic and crazy stuff going on here.  Even though my head pain has been less in recent times, it's rarely clear for even 24 hours.  I haven't had head pain since I talked to you.  That's a very long stretch for me to go without pain, very unusual.  So I'm thinking it must be something about your energy and what you sent me.  What can you share about your ability to do that and what you might have done since our conversation that would be affecting my energy field?  I don't think it's a coincidence.  This morning Don remarked that I've been different ever since I talked to you.  Priscilla
Sure, you may use the words about the wonderful items!  I am in awe already and it's only begun. 

​Your answer about the cupcake vs. the marbles gives me one more question.  Or maybe you did answer it earlier when you said it works well to make water from the cupcake.  Is the water different from the marbles, and how?   I think I got a green light from you when I said I had one gallon with a cupcake and another gallon with a marble.   Is that what I pass on to others as well, to use either one? Priscilla

Wonderful story I'm telling them and they just look at me.  I bought fresh local strawberries and put a marble in the pint container with them.  They were already fully ripe.  However the following day and the next they got sweeter and not one started to spoil or turn over the hill.  They continued looking like the day I bought them.  Now I want to put marbles everywhere.  I don't have enough.  Don took one to work in his water jug.  Three in the tub.  One in our water and that leaves only one for food.

Next time we talk, it needs to be afternoon instead of bedtime.  I was overly stimulated by our conversation and keep replaying it all night long!!  In general I'm feeling REALLY good and I'm grateful.  Sending you Light and Love, Priscilla

​I have been meaning to write to you many times and just now put fingers to keyboard to let you know how wonderful your products are.  I have 6 cosmic marbles and the most excellent cupcake.  I have only used the marbles and not the cupcake for water and it is smooth and light! I simmered the marbles to make the crystal oil and have had not exactly perfect success, but the result was oilier than water and left my skin VERY smooth and silky.
The babies in the bath are truly COSMIC!!!  I have blissed out on many occasions now.  I told my husband, that I feel their presence more so when I just allow myself to experience them instead of thinking or doing anything else.  If I am occupied with something else, such as talking with a family member, I do not notice their effects.  BUT, the moment I let everything else go and just relax into the bliss, it's like a rocket ship to the etheric.  Just absolute and total bliss!!!
Thank you Rochelle!  Keep up the wonderful work and service you render. I am extremely grateful. Janice
Oh yeah, p.s. I wear the cupcake everywhere I go and I love it!  My husband wears five of the marbles in a bag in his waistband to soothe lower back/hip pain.  Neither one of us likes to part with their company to put them in the bath, but, oh, what a treat when we do!